Pratico Santé - Qualiopi Certification

Pratico Santé has been Qualiopi certified since 2021, a guarantee of quality and compliance with regulatory requirements for professional training. This certification attests to our ongoing commitment to providing high quality services that meet the needs of learners and businesses.
Qualiopi Certification
Qualiopi certification is issued to training organizations that meet the strict criteria of the National Quality Standard. Pratico Santé is certified under the following categories of shares:
Training actions (L.6313-1 – 1°)
To consult our Qualiopi certificate, click on the following link: See our Qualiopi certificate.
This certification ensures that our organization:
- Offers clear and accessible information about our services.
- Analyzes and adapts the needs of our beneficiaries.
- Sets up appropriate reception, support, monitoring and evaluation procedures.
- Has adequate educational and technical resources.
- Ensures the qualification and skills development of our staff.
- Keeps an eye on legal, sectoral and educational developments.
- Collects and takes into account stakeholder feedback.

Commitment to Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
In addition to the Qualiopi certification, Pratico Santé is also accredited for Continuous Professional Development (CPD). We are the training organization 7520. Our CPD actions are specifically designed for health professionals, especially nurses. Our commitment to CPD includes:
The creation and implementation of training programmes in line with the CPD’s national and specific guidelines.
The use of innovative teaching methods to promote learning and continuous improvement of professional practices.
Monitoring and traceability of CPD actions, allowing healthcare professionals to demonstrate their commitment to a continuous improvement of their skills.
Our CPD actions aim to support nurses in maintaining and developing their skills, by meeting the specific needs of their professional practice. For more information on the CPD and its requirements, you can consult the CPD National Agency page.
Our dual certification Qualiopi and DPC demonstrates our determination to provide quality training, adapted to the current and future needs of professionals. We remain committed to providing services that contribute effectively to the development of our learners’ skills, while meeting the highest standards of quality and compliance.